Sick of feeling sluggish, tired, and bloated? Want to get that hot bod into pristine shape? Well, a detox might be for you, says author and chef Candice Kumai. ??If you're not ready to fully commit to a detox yet, you can still try to modify your diet to help. Try cutting carbs, alcohol, dairy, sugar, and caffeine from your current diet, and start adding in these top five foods to feel completely renewed:
Tea: The polyphenols in tea leaves help to detoxify the body naturally, while popular herbal "detox" teas contain a blend of herbs with special detoxification and cleansing properties. Herbal and detoxification teas don't usually tend to carry caffeine.
Cabbage: A natural diuretic that is used to help expel excess fluids in the body, cabbage is made up of approximately 92 percent water. You'd probably burn more calories chewing cabbage than anything else. It's also known for being a perfect source of many dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins, including C, K, E, A, and folic acid.
Garlic: Ahhh yes, the superfood of the century, not to mention the one that you don't want to consume on your first or second hot date. So exclude garlic for dating, but include it for a great slammin' detox. Garlic can also help to lower your bad cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease and also help to de-stress.
Greens: The chlorophyll in these plant-based foods will rid the body of harmful environmental toxins, as well as aid the liver in detoxification. A blood cleanser and natural antibiotic, it also reduces blood fats, thinning the blood and lowering blood pressure.??
Water: Are you surprised? Don't be afraid to down a few cups in the morning, through the day, before any meal, and of course, during and after a workout. Water will help to flush your kidneys and liver and also hydrate your body from head to toe. Plus, it's free! Here's to a happy and healthy new, cleansed you!
For more healthy ways to slim down, check out!
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